ZamWays helps to find your nearby store by providing you a store list of the Juice Spa. When a user search Juice Spa on ZamWays' search bar, ZamWays shows all the nearest retail stores list. In this list you, ZamWays shows the stores following informations
1. Store's Profile Image: ZamWays promots all the registered stores by showing the profile image of these stores. Here we can see the image or brand logo of the stores.
2. Store Name: ZamWays highlight the store name so that any user can easily identify the stores.
3. Direction: Direction is very important information in this, because using this direction, any user can easily visit at the specific store. ZamWays provides the direction of the stores.
4. Category Percentage: User loves this information, the main funda of ZamWays is based on the Cashback, becasue user loves Cashback. So whenever a user shop through the ZamWays app by scanning the ZamWays QR Code, they will get cashaback up to 15% everytime. So here ZamWays highlights the cashback percentage of a store on their profile, so that the user will easily choose the stores.
5. Reviews: User review the stores through ZamWays app, and ZamWays shows the user reviews on the profile. So that user can easily trust the store, which helps Stores to increase the sale.
There are several benefits of using the ZamWays app for your daily shopping. These are
1. Cashback: Whenever you use ZamWays for your daily shopping, you get guranteed cashback. ZamWays provides you your nearby retail stores, you have to visit at these stores, shop anything you want, scan the merchant qr code through ZamWays scanner, ang get up to 15% cashabck.
2. Gift & Rewards: When a user shop through ZamWays by scanning ZamWays Merchant QR code, they get instant cashback, and also shopping points. And these points will be added in your Piggy pot wallet, and at the end of the month, if at the end of the month your shopping points are more than everyone else's shopping points, you will get gift & rewards.
3. Referral Program: You can also share your ZamWays app to your family members, friends, nearest persons or everyone. Whenever your referred person shop anything using ZamWays app, you also get cashaback.
4. Trust: ZamWays provides the stores detail information, real reviews, which help to make trust. So user may easily trust on the stores.
5. Direction: ZamWays provides the direction of these stores, so user can easily visit at the stores using the direction.
We can search stores on any product or service category. ZamWays have more than 100 category of different products or services. So we can search stores on any product category like "Grocery", "Mobile Phone", etc and also any service category like "Doctor", "Priest", "Plumbour", "Tutor", etc.
Searching for Juice Spa on ZamWays offers few advantages. Here are the key reasons why should we search ZamWays for Juice Spa:
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